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Upcoming Training

Tue, 06/09/2015 - 00:00

Introduction to Interoperable Radio Operations - June 18-19, 2015, 9-4pm @ Rankin Co Ext Office, Brandon, MS​

​This training  is being offered by the Mississippi Wireless Communication Commission in conjunction with the United States Department of Homeland Security, Office of Emergency Communications.  It will be held June 18th and 19th, 2015 at the Rankin County Extension Services Building located at 601 Marquette Road, Brandon, MS 39042.

This service offering is for professional and volunteer individuals who work in public safety but not directly in emergency communications.  Individuals who will benefit from this workshop are those who may need a deeper understanding and some practical knowledge of interoperable radio communications.  For example, fire fighters, law enforcement support personnel, and volunteer auxiliary emergency communicators, among others, will benefit from a better understanding about public safety interoperable and emergency communications.

Key topics include:

  • Understanding of radio spectrum and how it is used in public safety
  • Operational limitations of public safety voice and data communications
  • Practical considerations about interoperable emergency communications
  • Technical methods for establishing and maintaining interoperable communications during an incident or planned event
  • Introduction to and hands-on familiarization with various vendors’ subscriber and base station units
  • NIMS ICS operational principles
  • Emergency communications lessons learned from real-world incidents

This will be a two-day seminar, but both days will cover the same material.  The first half of each day deals with general topics and basic skills.  The second half of each day is devoted to hands-on activities including a review of the use of the MSWIN Special Event talk groups.  This may include, in coordination with the attendees’ needs, a tour of a PSCC or an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to gain a better understanding of the interrelationship between dispatch functions or base station operations and everyday interoperable communications.  Attendees who are volunteers must be sponsored by a public safety agency.​

For more information contact: Dent Guynes at (601) 359-5363 or email:

412 East Woodrow Wilson Ave.
Mail Stop 6601
Jackson, MS 39216
Phone: 601-359-5333
Fax: 601-359-5362